Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Immortals

I personally did not enjoy this story. It was very hard to follow at times.

The narrator took us through a time travel from 6,000,000 B.c. right up through all the changes that this world has overcome. The many changes of species and the seperation of the earth. But the story kept jumping from one time period to another and back again. This made it very difficult to keep track of the time period that the narrator was going through.

Does anyone know why a narrator would want to keep a reader from continuing to read and keep making them stop and think about what time period that he is living in?


  1. I don't think the story was about the time period; it was more about the human experience. I think the author wanted to make you think about what it is to be human, and was asking, "can you truly experience humanity if death doesn't concern you?"

  2. I understand that the story was about humanity and how is confused that his life just keeps going and going and there is never an ending. But it was just hard, i guess, for me to follow through his thoughts about humanity and life with the constant confusion of his discriptions of all the changes that he has lived through throughout his immortal life.
