Monday, February 1, 2010

The Immortals by Martin Amis

I enjoyed this story. I liked how the author approached the idea of immortality with a sense of humor. Also, I feel like he is an unreliable narrator. He even doubts his own story of immortality saying he was just a New Zealand schoolteacher who lost his loved ones. Even the title, "The Immortals" is plural when the author claims to be the only one. Additionally he tells us that the other survivors around him claim to be immortal as well.
The story made me think about what it is to be human, and if there is no death in life, can you really be human? The narrator cannot have any lasting relationships, and even practices incest . He cannot truly experience love or life, because part of life is knowing you only have a certain amount of time left, so you should make it worthwhile. Even the Earth is not immortal, and it is mostly a desolate wasteland at the time of the narrator's story. If someone spends 90 years on a drinking binge, sleeps for a decade, masturbates for a whole summer, and eventually stands on the roof of a building while waiting for a nuclear bomb to hit him, with his arms wide open, then what good can come out of immortality?

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