Thursday, April 15, 2010

Are These Actual Miles

I like this story. It was a little hard to read but after rereading it and completely understanding it, i enjoyed it a little more. This story was based upon selling a car so that when they go to court on Monday, no one can take any of their things. The manin character, Leo, was intriguing becaue he was a very paranoid person. This descriptions about the way he was acting and the way he was talking to his wife show that he is a jealous person and can be very controlling. But he also has a lot of trust in his wife to do the right thing in selling the car and making money for their family. I got nervous when the man who bought the convertible showed up, I thought Leo was going to start a fight with him becaue he was slightly drunk when went out there to confront him. But all he did was say, Monday, knowing that that day was more important than getting his car back from this person. When the question was asked "Are these actual miles?" he is reffering to how low the milage is on the car ... this makes it seem like these people really cared for their car and treated it as if it were their child. They bought it brand new and really appreciated its value in their life. I think Leo was really sad to have to sell it because he really cared for it, but he knew it was the best decision at that point in their life.

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