Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Never Marry a Mexican

My grandmother was born to Irish immigrants in America and married a man born and raised in Ireland. She told my mother growing up, "Never marry and Irishman!", so I read this story kind of picturing my mom as the narrator. That may be why I had difficulty reading it.

I thought the writing style was poetic, and the story seemed messy and complicated, which is true to real life I guess. I feel like the narrator was royally effed up by her parents' relationship. She is proud of her Mexican ancestry, but she can only be with white men. She sprinkles the narrative with Mexican language, but she seems to loathe herself for not being with a Mexican man and her former white lovers for keeping her from them. I feel angry at the narrator for being an accomplice in infidelity, someone who does not plan on repenting.

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