Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Never Marry a Mexican

I thought this story was very bizzare. I really disliked the character and thought she was a little crazy and kind of a slut. I was also a little confused while reading it cause I didn't catch the transition, from when the narrator was talking about her family and where she grew up to how she was having sexual relations with this married man and how it kind of turned her on when she was having sex with the guy while the guy's wife was giving birth. I thought the story was going to be about why not marry a mexican and cite someone as an example like her father, instead it was just a strange story of a woman's sexual endeavors and how she got off on ruining relationships. Overall I hated the sotry and the charcter though I thought the writing was decent, as the writer goes in depth about certain details that really help illustrate the story.

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