Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Midnight and I'm not Famous Yet

I liked the sentence, "I thought this picture was worthy of a statue." It's a great description of the picture and of the narrator's love for it. I liked the sentence, " I had never had time to be but two things, a giggler and a killer." It's a creepy and seemingly accurate description of joining the army as a young man. I liked a couple sentences for the humor. "Why can't we be fighting for some place like England?" and, "I got a print from the Pentagon when the war was over and it didn't matter." And the last line was my favorite part of the whole story. It's such a great point, and it ties the whole story together well. " Nobody was killed. We saw victory and defeat, and they were both wonderful." I thought it was weird how much the author used 'etc.' My guess is it might have been characterization to make the narrator out to not be so articulate. Any other ideas?

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