Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I thought this sentence was funny and good characterization. "Rafa, who was older and expected more woke up every morning pissy and dissatisfied." The narrator's thoughts in response to his tia saying looking at Ysrael's face would make someone sad forever were sweet. "I had never been sad more than a few hours and the thought of that sensation lasting a lifetime scared the hell out of me." And I liked this sentence for the characterization and the clear image it gave me. "Rafa shook his head with that not-a-chance grin of his." I thought it was weird that the author didn't use quotations for dialogue. It was a little confusing sometimes probably because I'm not used to it, but it kind of worked. It went along with the other thing that takes you off guard, which is the Spanish words that sometimes you can tell from context and sometimes you can't. I thought the numbering of the parts was strange. I'm not sure why the author decided to do that. Any ideas?

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