Monday, February 1, 2010

The Immortals by Martin Amis

Although I felt this story to be somewhat depressing, I will say that it was interesting as well. The Narrator obviously seemed unhappy with his views of the world, but in my opinion, I think there was a moral in that as well. I think The Narrator was trying to imply that if you were given the chance to be in his shoes, and live such a long and eventful life, then try to be a little open to what life throws at you. He was able to live forever - which is fine for him - but he wasn't a psychic, so he didn't know what was coming his way. And even if he did, he remained bitter and unsatisfied; I think he wanted the readers to consider what would they do in the situations he was in. I will admit that I was a bit confused reading the story, but that was the best theory I was able to come up with...

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