Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Immortals

I thought this story was actually quite funny in a dark kind of way. I don't know if it was supposed to be a depressing story or what but when I read it I actually laughed at a few parts. For example the line that said: I've had AIDS for seventy-three years. Just can't seem to shake it. I thought that they way the writer wrote the story gave it this comedic type of mood especially the ideas that he had to make the story funny, like where the guy said he had at least 4000 wives or he went on a drinking binge for 95 years, I thought those things were hilarious. I also thought it was comedic because the story is about this guy who can live forever and he recalls past events in his life and just kind of has a careless attitude towards things and at times makes fun of things. Although I found it funny throughout the story I also found it rather depressing that the guy was repeatedly trying to kill himself because he didn't want to live any longer and how we was going to be left alone after the human race had died out, other than that I thought it was kind of funny.

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