Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Life Without Death

This guy is dealing with an issue most would after a few hundred years: boredom. When you've literally seen it all, know you can't have a true relationship with someone, and war ceases to be thrilling, it gets dull. Who wouldn't want to stand at ground zero of the nuclear armageddon if all that's left in front of you is an immeasurable wait for the next batch of sentients to evolve enough to talk to..or for the sun to go nova. Whichever comes first.

I would suggest to this guy that he try walking on the bottom of the ocean. If the pressure won't crush him, and the lack of oxygen won't kill him, he can at least dodge sharks and play with dolphins 'till the end of Earth.

1 comment:

  1. Yea Tim, I like the whole "bottom of the ocean" thing you suggest for this so called Immortal fool. The only bad thing is if that don't kill him he'll have more to add to his experiences.
