Monday, February 8, 2010

Share my opinion you say? Okey-dokey.

Right from the start, the ending of the story is foreshadowed to the reader. Yet, the character of the words, the flow of the narrator's voice, manages to hold the reader's attention (in my case, anyways) Also, the author succeeds in showing us who the characters are instead of telling us, telling us only what we need to know, letting the character's actions and words speak for themselves. Concerning the story's length, I actually think it was perfect. The point of the story, I believe, was to show the events that led up to the break up; the point wasn't the ins-and-outs of their relationship. Even more, I don't even believe the story wasn't completely about a break-up. The g-string seemed to me to be a symbol of female oppression, on how there's pressure for women have to dress and act in way to solely please men. She obviously was uncomfortable with the notion of a g-string, but she did it to please Mr. Kip. Her taking control of the situation at the end of the story was representative of a modern day feminism. Agree?

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